RELEASE BLITZ Title: Hidden in the Vines Series: Romancing the Vine #1.5
Title: Hidden in the Vines
Series: Romancing the Vine #1.5
Author: Gemma Brocato
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 19, 2017
Growing up in the supersized shadow of a famous mother led Jules Capelli to retreat far from the glamorous lifestyle. She owns and runs Team Vino, a team building operation based in a working vineyard. In the midst of a seminar her high-profile, high-maintenance mother insists Jules hide her among the vines after recent plastic surgery. Keeping the woman hidden will require a monumental effort, especially with two reporters from an entertainment magazine in the class.
Alex Dixon has known from the minute he checked into Team Vino for employer mandated team training, that Jules is hiding something. Learning her secret is key, but he’s more interested in getting to know the appealing woman. Jules’s secret is a great distraction, but once discovered, making sure it remains hidden from his bottom-feeding co-worker is even more of a challenge.
Working together as a team, Jules and Alex discover a mutual attraction and a common goal. Keep the secret, build a team and uncover love among the vines.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
#1 - Short
It was the final straw in convincing Jules to avoid any sort of publicity event or exposure. She’d slunk off the red carpet gauntlet, a staple at all premieres, and hid in the ladies’ lounge until the theater had been darkened. She’d slipped into a seat next to Gitta, but crept away before the final credits rolled. Jules hadn’t appeared in public for two weeks, waiting for the next big story to break and draw public attention from the unfortunate episode.
She shook off the sour memory and studied the man climbing the stairs to the office. God, he really looked familiar. Unruly, dark blond curls and a strong, square jaw shaved clean of the scruff so many men thought looked sexy. Add piercing blue eyes and firm lips with the best Cupid’s bow she’d ever seen, and he became an all-American heartthrob.
Fading bruises under his eyes marred the otherwise perfect picture. Tall and broad shouldered, his face rang a bell for her. But it was an alarm bell. She knew him.
Oh Jesus. That’s . . . oh shit, what’s his name?
He stopped in the doorway. “Hi. I’m looking for Jules Capelli.” The rich, smooth timbre of his voice reminded her of a television announcer.
She hunched her shoulders and dropped onto the chair behind her desk, creating a barrier between them. “That’s me. How may I help you?”
Her visitor pulled a wallet from his back pocket as he approached. The action lifted the hem of his shirt, giving her a closer view of his trim waistline. “Access Group International made a reservation for me in your team building seminar.” He handed her a business card he’d fished out of his billfold.
“Yes, of course. You’re one of the late add-ons.”
Accepting the slip of cardstock, she glanced at the bold logo and bright red lettering on the front. Her heart stopped beating and turned to stone. Actual pain from the boulder sitting on her diaphragm knifed her chest.
The card’s bright red lettering declared the man was Alex Dixon. Reporter. With Entertainment Access. A division of AGI.
This could not be happening. How had she not known AGI was the parent company of the worst gossip mongering website and tabloid in existence? #2 – Long
Her gaze collided with his baby blues. Was that . . . Damn, she didn’t know him enough to be certain if speculation, not knowledge, lurked in his eyes. She caught her lower lip between her teeth. His gaze tracked the action before lazily returning to focus on her eyes.
“Hey!” She cleared her throat to rid her voice of the breathless quality. “You found my spot.”
His glance took in the surrounding area, the rolling hills of vines, the tiny creek meandering through a stand of olive trees, the small cabin nestled alongside said trees. “Hope you don’t mind sharing. It’s a great location. I can’t get over how peaceful this place is. How isolated.”
He’d sprawled back in the chair, his legs spread wide, almost as if inviting her to take a seat. But something in his expression sharpened.
“I come here some afternoons to escape the ringing phones and constant emails,” Jules offered. She sidestepped to the left, attempting to manipulate him into turning around. “No one can reach me here, which is fine by me.”
He flicked his eyes to the phone, so fast that if she’d blinked, she’d have missed it. Dull red colored his cheeks when he met her gaze again. Suspicion confirmed. He’d found a way to get connected up here. He palmed the phone and pushed to his feet as he shoved the device into his back pocket.
Jules found herself staring at his butt for longer than she should have.
“Really?” Alex asked as he faced her. “To be honest, my ties to my email and Google border on addiction. I can’t seem to unplug.”
Success! She’d managed to turn him so his back was to the cabin. Now, she just had to keep it there.
“This place is great in the summer, but you should see it in the fall.” Good one, Jules. Way to make small talk about the weather. Like the most awkward date ever.
Except this wasn’t a date. Not even close. Alex tipped his head to the side and stared at her. As if he knew her. Shit, shit, shit! He took a step toward her, still assessing her face. Her heart hammered against her ribcage. Whether in fear that he knew her secret now, or from the insane attraction she felt toward the man. Didn’t matter. The rapid tattoo against her breastbone, for whatever reason, made it hard to catch her breath.
“Maybe I’ll come back for a weekend in October. I mean, if I’m invited, of course.”
Something moved in the corner of her vision, drawing her eye and distracting her from the view of his handsome face and broad shoulders.
Oh, Lord! Peyton, wearing a hot pink tank top, climbed down the front steps and moved into the sunlight. She laid a blanket over the lounge chair situated next to the creek, then turned to say something to Gitta, who’d remained on the porch. What part of Jules’ order didn’t they understand? She’d had Marcus deliver a stern command for them to stay in the cabin until she figured out what to do about the reporters. What a cluster this day had turned into.
Alex turned his head, as if to see what distracted her. Gitta had moseyed into the clearing. The white of the bandages swathing her head was blinding in the sunlight.
Jules didn’t stop to think. She leapt forward and grabbed Alex’s shoulders, drawing his attention back to her. “Consider this your invitation.”
Stretching up on her toes, she pressed her mouth to his. She hadn’t expected the blooming thrill at the touch of his lips, nor the sharp inhalation of surprise. Hers, not his. Nor had she considered for a second he’d return the kiss. Or deepen it.
#1 Risking the Vine
Free in Kindle Unlimited COMING SOON
#2 Chaos Among the Vines – April 26, 2017
US: UK: CA: AU: Free in Kindle Unlimited
Gemma's favorite desk accessories for many years were a circular wooden token, better known as a 'round tuit,' and a slip of paper from a fortune cookie proclaiming her a lover of words; some day she'd write a book. All it took was a transfer to the United Kingdom, the lovely English springtime, and a huge dose of homesickness to write her first novel. Once it was completed and sent off with a kiss, even the rejections addressed to 'Dear Author' were gratifying.
After returning to America, she spent a number of years as a copywriter, dedicating her skills to making insurance and the agents who sell them sound sexy. Eventually, her full-time job as a writer interfered with her desire to be a writer full-time and she left the world of financial products behind to pursue a vocation as a romance author.
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